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International Steel Shooters Association

International Steel (ISSA) defined: MRC International Steel Shooting committee is established within the umbrella of the MRC Cowboy Action Shooting committee. International Steel is sanctioned by the International Steel Shooters Association (ISSA). ISSA is basically a very simple match, and a standardized set of rules that are used world-wide will assure that the competitor, wherever they may be from, can count on the match being run the same way, anywhere in the world. Simply put, the competitor will be presented with between 1 and 5 targets with one of them designated as a “Stop” plate. The difficulty in International Steel is not the size or positioning of the target but the speed with which the competitor tries to achieve. Each competitor will usually shoot up to 5, Five shot strings with their slowest time eliminated. His or her score is the total time for the remaining fastest strings, after penalties are assessed.

Competition is open to most modern firearms. Rimfire Pistols and Rifles of .22 LR caliber and Center fire pistols (semi-auto, Double Action and Single Action Revolvers) and Center fire Pistol Caliber Carbines of a caliber of 9mm or .38 Special and larger. All Center Fire ammo must have a power factor of 120 or higher.

Gates open to the public @ 9AM
One gun is $10, all additional guns are $5
Check the Calendar for event dates and times.
ISSA shoots the Saturday before the second Sunday of the month.
Drawing from holster will require a safety check for new shooters prior to the match starting.

For more information…

ISSA website…

MRC ISSA Chairman… Steve Westfall email

MRC Logo

Hours of Operation

Monday - Sunday

Rifle: 10:00am - Dusk

Pistol: 10:00am - Dusk

All others please check calendar

Physical Address

1601 Lakewood Road

Arlington WA. 98223

Get Directions

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 303

Marysville, WA 98270